East Herts Advanced Professional Driver Training

Welcome to the training page for East Herts Advanced Professional Driver Training. If you are here it is because your local licensing team have asked you to complete the training. If you are here but you are not an East Herts licensed driver then please return to the home page of the website to access our other courses.

As an existing licensed driver, there are two update training courses for you to do. The first covers disability, equality, dementia awareness and safeguarding. The second is our unique Infection Control course. Accessing the training is easy! Simply click on the button at the bottom of the page to order your courses.

Title image for course Advanced Professional Driver

Once you have ordered you will be sent instructions on how to access the training system by email.

Don’t worry if you have already done the Infection Control course as part of the Travel With Confidence scheme. You will not have to re-take that course again and you will only be logged on to one course.

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