Please note! - Access to e-learning courses

All of our e-learning courses are accessed through our bespoke learning system. After placing your order you will be sent full details by email of how to access the course.

Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk





Course description and access

This is a SafeCab accredited e-learning training course.

This course forms part of the Mobility Exchange SafeCab professional driver accreditation.

Being a transport provider has always meant looking after people. But what does looking after people really mean?  And how do you look after others and also keep yourself safe?

Our unique safeguarding e-learning course provides taxi and private hire drivers the most up to date information on:

  • The role that transport and being ‘fit and proper’ plays in keeping our communities safe and why this is so important to the future health and well-being of our communities.
  • The legal framework of safeguarding and other related law and how these relate to licensing functions.
  • How to recognises indicators of risk and what to do when you have a concern about a person’s safety.
  • The wide range of partnership organisations who exist to support licence holders in making effective referrals.
  • Understanding and protecting individuals and businesses from the wider risks you or any of your passengers could face.
  • Making sure that you are doing as much as possible to stay safe at all times.
  • How to access Unified’s specialist safety report form and driver advice service.
Image of safety report form sign in screen

This course is an e-learning course. It takes between 1 1/2 and 2 hour to complete but you can take as many breaks as you want and re-start at your convenience.

To access this course please purchase using the link ‘Order this course now’.

Once you have placed your order you will be sent full details of how to access the Unified e-learning training system by email. The course is accessible via laptop, computer, smartphone or tablet.

At the end of the course you will receive an electronic certificate.

*Please note* – access to this course is not immediate. Details of how to access the course will be sent within 24 hours of your order being received and completed.

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